I found Lambuth Library books in the catalog. Now how do I find them on the shelves?


Find the Location on the catalog entry (e.g. Lambuth Campus Library - 2nd Level Stacks) and then use the Call No. to find the book on the shelf (example below).

Books are arranged according to the Library of Congress classification system:

  • The first line is made up of 1-3 letters, and is read in alphabetical order.
  • The second line is made up of whole numbers, and is read numerically. 
  • The third line is called the cutter number, which usually represents the author's last name, but can also stand for the name of a corporation or the book's title. It is read first alphabetically by letter, and then the numbers are read as a decimal.
  • The last line is the year of publication, and is read in chronological order.

Look at the ends of the shelf ranges or ask a library assistant for guidance.



  • Last Updated Oct 07, 2019
  • Views 41
  • Answered By Lisa Reilly

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