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Answered By: Carl Hess
Last Updated: Jul 29, 2024     Views: 15

You can organize citations in Zotero using collections and tags. Collections are like a folder system, while tags are keywords you assign to a source. Each has their benefits for organizing your sources.


  • Good for broad organization around topics (ex. "Social Psychology") or projects (ex. "ENGL 1020 Researched Argument)
  • Easy to browse
  • Citations can be put in more than one collection
  • Can create subcollections within collections for narrower categorization
  • When adding a citation with the Zotero Connector, you can choose to put the citation directly into a collection


  • Good for organizing by specific details (ex. "ethics of large language models," "qualitative methods") or your workflow (ex. "to read," "needs summary")
  • Easy to search
  • Can create as many tags as you want for a citation
  • Tags can be color coded (desktop app only)
  • When adding a citation with the Zotero Connector, it may automatically add tags based on keywords or subject terms that it finds on the source page

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