If you are getting no results or too few results when searching in an article database, you could:
1. Try broadening your search: If your topic is extremely specific, it is possible that there won't be a perfect
article that addresses all aspects of it, but there will probably be articles that are more general or that
address at least one aspect of your topic from which you can draw conclusions.
2. Think of synonyms for your keywords: Are there other ways to describe your topic? Check out our FAQ
on creating keywords for a successful database search.
3. Check the Boolean connectors (AND, OR, NOT) which you chose: Have you combined too many terms in one
search? Check out our FAQ on Boolean Searching.
If you continue to get no results, please contact us for help! Stop by the Research Assistance Desk (McWherter Library, 1st Floor Learning Commons), or call us a 901-678-2208. Ask us in an email or chat, or schedule a research appointment to help devise a successful search strategy for your topic.
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