Govtrack helps ordinary citizens find and track bills in the U.S. Congress and understand their representatives’ legislative record. It brings together the status of U.S. federal legislation, voting records, congressional district maps, and more.
Congressional Timeline, developed and maintained by The Dirksen Congressional Center, arrays more than 900 of the nation's laws on a timeline beginning with the first Congress in 1789 and continuing to the present. A second timeline "band" depicts major political events as context for Congress's law-making.
Sunlight Foundation describes their mission as "a non-profit, nonpartisan organization that uses the power of the Internet to catalyze greater government openness and transparency, and provides new tools and resources for media and citizens, alike. We are committed to improving access to government information by making it available online, indeed redefining “public” information as meaning “online,” and by creating new tools and websites to enable individuals and communities to better access that information and put it to use."
Congressional Bills provides detailed information about Congressional Bills in Excel Spreadsheets.
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