The McWherter Library Reserve Room is to the right of the circulation desk and is open to students during regular library hours, closing 15 minutes prior to library closing. Use of reserve materials is restricted to the University of Memphis community (currently enrolled students, faculty, staff, and patrons with valid reciprocal borrowing privileges from area colleges) - a valid University ID with photo is required to borrow reserve items. Other forms of ID (i.e. driver's license, social security card, etc.) are not acceptable.
Please direct calls regarding the Reserve Room to:
Shanae Stoddard (901) 678-4482 or email:
the Reserve Room phone (901) 678-4411 or
the Circulation desk (901) 678-2205
All Libraries’ billing inquiries are handled in the Circulation Department. If you have questions regarding Reserve Room fines or about a bill, please contact Frankie Perry at (901) 678-4483.