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Answered By: Bess Robinson
Last Updated: Dec 02, 2014     Views: 104

The Rand Collection consists of publications that initially were shelved by the report number.

The Rand Collection comprises several series of papers and reports of research published by, or in conjunction with, the Rand Corporation. 

            Some are:

            JNE     -       CPRE joint note series

            JNS     -       CSSIB joint note series

            JRS     -       CSSIB joint report series

            MR      -        MR (Rand Corporation)

            OPE    -       CPRE occasional paper series

            OPS    -       Occasional paper (Rand/UCLA Center for the Study
                               of Soviet International Behavior)

               R      -        R (Rand Corporation)

            RGSD  -       Dissertation (Rand Graduate School)

There are other Rand series that are not cataloged individually. 
These are:       

                 N        -      Rand note

                 P        -      Papers (Rand Corporation)

                RM      -      Research memorandum (Rand Corporation)

                  IP      -      Issue papers

                 RB      -      Research briefs

These are now shelved on the 3rd floor after the Oversize collection .

In November 2003 we began using the LC call numbers so the later titles are now integrated into the stacks.  Our holdings end in 2010.


   University Libraries - The University of Memphis - Memphis, TN 38152 - 901-678-2205